Germania Place
Gold Coast, Chicago
Germania Place is a historic building in the Gold Coast neighborhood of Chicago and includes a dramatic ballroom with 35 foot ceilings, large mezzanines, and detailed revivalist ornamentation.
The Building was constructed in 1888 for the Germania Club by prominent Chicago Architect Addison & Fiedler. The distinctive Victoria-era architecture and abundance of ornamental detail stand-out in downtown Chicago.
- Features a well-known, 24,000 sq. ft. ballroom event space
- Includes a number of successful retail tenants including CorePower Yoga, Starbucks, & Tiparos.
- Nearby CTA Public Transportation
- R2 plans to improve the physical condition of the building while working within the City of Chicago Landmark designation
For Leasing information, contact or visit Loopnet.
40,000 sq. ft.

Immersive Van Gogh Chicago



Immersive Van Gogh Chicago